Since 2016, this blog was served through a Wordpress instance at the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam AIP – thanks again to our colleagues there for maintaining the platform over all these years.
But since it now seems as if this is something that might last a long time (by Web standards), we have decided that we should leave PHP behind and look for something properly version controllable, and something that can simply live somewhere on a web server with essentially zero maintenance. Hence, we have moved the content to pelican – which has a clean Debian package, is written in Python, and does not need any active components of its own.
As an extra bonus, the blog posts are now authored in ReStructuredText, which happens to be what DaCHS' documentation is written in, and what you can use to author metadata for DaCHS resources. If you want, you can now check out the source code for the articles (sorry, it's still subversion; one of these days I'll find something fancier than naked git but lighter than gitlab, and then I'll move GAVO's VCS to git).
As expected, porting the theme (which I only did rather half-heartedly, so things are a bit less pretty now) and getting the figures right was what caused the bulk of the work. On the plus side, I have also greatly cleaned up categories and tags. Still, it's quite likely we messed something up. If you find anything broken here, please let us know: lists the main ways through which you can reach us.
With that: Subscribe to our Atom feed!