Posts with the Tag PostgreSQL:

  • Taming the Postgres JIT

    Mild warning: This is exclusively technobabble mainly addressing DaCHS deployers. If you're an astronomer (or yet something else), you're of course still welcome to enjoy it, but don't complain if you're bored.

    My development machine as been on Debian bullseye for a while, which means I've been running Postgres 13 for the past few months. Against Postgres 11, 13 is a lot more optimistic when doing Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, and that's the beginning of this story.

    This JIT thing in plain language means that Postgres is writing small programmes to compute query results, then compiles them to machine code and executes that rather than running the query plan in some sort of interpreter. This at first sounds like a great idea that should speed up large queries quite a bit. But for one, query time is often bounded not so much by CPU but by I/O, and the sort of analysis that happens for JIT compilation is not free. Not at all.

    I noticed that when a query in the regression test suite I'm running before every commit to DaCHS started to occasionally fail. That test executes:

    SELECT TOP 1 obs_publisher_did
    FROM ivoa.obscore
    WHERE distance(s_ra, s_dec, 83.8,-5.4)<0.2

    and then asserts that the result is in within 10 seconds. The purpose of this particular regression test is to make sure all sizable tables in the obscore view have a usable spatial index on the production system. On the development system, there really aren't any tables in obscore that would be slow even when seqscanned.

    How on earth could this query be slow then?

    The natural reaction in such a situation to use EXPLAIN in psql. In this case, there is some non-trivial rewriting of the query going on between ADQL and postgres, which means you cannot just paste the ADQL to Postgres. To figure out the query that DaCHS actually executes, I picked the translated query from the VOTable returned from a successful request (look for the sql_query INFO; that's a DaCHS extension, so that trick won't work for other TAP servers), ran the psql gavo DaCHS operators are probably used to, and then typed:

    EXPLAIN SELECT obs_publisher_did
    FROM ivoa.obscore
    WHERE  q3c_join(83.8, - 5.4, s_ra, s_dec, 0.2) LIMIT 1;

    to it. The result was inconspicuous; a few seqscans here and there, but the total cost estimate was “0.00..7.12”, which in physical units works out to “basically nothing”, many orders of magnitude away from the 10 seconds I occasionally saw in the regression tests.

    Well, when a query plan doesn't match your expectations, the next thing to do is EXPLAIN ANALYZE. With that, Postgres executes the plan it has made and then compares its estimates to what the cost turned out to be; this, by the way, is also a good way to find out when you should raise the statistics target of one or more of your columns (see Element Column in the DaCHS reference for details).

    For me, the output looked something like this:

    Limit  (cost=10000000000.00..10156565675.53 rows=1 width=57) (actual time=6206.883..6206.899 rows=1 loops=1)
     Planning Time: 22.174 ms
       Functions: 130
       Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true
       Timing: Generation 55.404 ms, Inlining 107.280 ms, Optimization 3479.626 ms, Emission 2601.411 ms, Total 6243.721 ms
     Execution Time: 6263.243 ms

    Ok, I'm lying a bit; there is another reason than just the analyze for why the cost estimate exploded from 7.12 to 10156565675.53. I'll confess in the appendix to this post.

    The main point, however, is: the execution time now is of the order that I'm expecting (the database is rather busy during a regression test, so those 6 seconds can easily become double that then). Interestingly, essentially all the execution time went into “Optimization” and “Emission”. Until yesterday, I'd never seen a thing like that in Postgres query plans.

    That is because here the JIT is at work, and that was at least a lot less likely in Postgres 11. Now, estimating 10 Gigapennies as execution cost up front, Postgres 13 thought some extra time for writing and compiling a little programme is well spent. Of course, that estimate is badly off, and the right thing to do is to fix the reason for the bad estimate. See the appendix for why I don't just yet.

    That my obscore view has 32 tables contributing to it, giving its definition a whopping 1280 lines, probably does not help. But in particular since the query plans in the presence of Q3C and pgsphere still are usually badly off, it might be wise to discourage Postgres a bit from using JIT compilation with DaCHS' workloads in your configuration if you're running TAP services (you should) and before you upgrade to Postgres 13. To do that, add a:

    jit_above_cost = 20000000000

    (or so; perhaps you can set your limit a good deal lower) to your postgresql.conf. On Debian boxes, that file is in /etc/postgresql/13/main/ (obviously, change the 13 if you have a different version). You need to restart postgres to make this take effect.

    While I was in that file, I thought I can share what other configuration I have in there, because it is likely you can speed up your data centre quite a bit by judicious tuning. The following settings aren't particularly well thought out, but I claim they are not unreasonable for a 64 GB machine that runs as a dedicated server; that last thing also causes the first configuration item, as for two-server operation, you have to set

    • listen_addresses = '*' – only then can you talk to postgres from another machine (disregarding hacks like ssh tunnels that may even work as last-resort options). Of course, this may mean your postgres port is visible to the internet, which means you ought to understand what pg_hba.conf is before configuring that. Other configuration I'm doing includes
    • max_connections = 200 – I actually ran out of connections once; DaCHS itself is now a bit more parsimonious with them, but if you have enough RAM, it still doesn't hurt to be generous here.
    • localtime = UTC – TIMESTAMPs suck, because it is hard to compute with them, are a pain when plotting, there are time zones, and they generally are a Babylonian mess (as evinced by base-60 numbers). But you can't always escape timestamps, and if you somehow manage to create them “with time zone”, telling the server to do UTC helps limit their damage radius.
    • shared_buffers = 15GB – the Postgres documentation says 25% of the RAM is a good default for shared_buffers, so that's roughly what I went for here. Note that the kernel usually limits how much shared memory processes are allowed to allocate, and you will have to adjust those limits for this to take effect. On Debian, the postgresql-common package installs a file /etc/sysctl.d/30-postgresql-shm.conf for easy adjusting of the limits.
    • temp_buffers = 100MB – that one gives buffers for temporary tables, and raising it helps TAP uploads (which use those, at least for now). Since our TAP uploads tend to be large as temporary tables go, it pays to set aside a couple of megabytes for them. Now that I look at this again and think about what people upload into my data centre: I think I could even raise that a bit more.
    • work_mem = 64MB – this one is for doing joins and the like (which includes cross-matches), and again these tend to be larger in Astronomy than in many other disciplines, where matching tens-of-millions against billions would count as Big Data. Hence, postgres' default of 4 MB is quite certainly going to be causing a lot of unnecessary disk activity. That said, DaCHS could be a bit smarter here and raise work_mem itself when running TAP jobs (or perhaps only TAP jobs that actually do joins). Note that a single query can use up many times work_mem, which means you shouldn't choose this too high, either. One thing I'd like to look into one day is the hash_mem_multiplier (cf. a bit down on Postgres docs on resource limits). If you do research in that direction with astronomy workloads, please let me know.
    • maintenance_work_mem = 2048MB – this is relevant to keep VACUUM runs fast, which become necessary as rows are added to or replaced in the database. I have some relatively large tables that regularly see deletes (e.g., the relational registry), and hence I want smooth vacuuming. If you don't have large tables that regularly change, you probably don't need to bother with maintenance_work_mem.

    If you have additional (or contradicting) advice on Postgres configuration for DaCHS: Please let us know, preferably on the dachs-support mailing list (see DaCHS support).

    Appendix: As I said: I was lying above. The original with-JIT plan was just fine. The horrible, cost 100 Giga, plan was only chosen when I did the SET enable_seqscan=false. Why would I do a thing like that, forcing Postgres in the wrong direction? Well, DaCHS' TAP executor makes the same setting. And why does it do that to Postgres? That's a long story closely related to the Q3C and pgsphere troubles I've mentioned above – and for which there's now finally hope: See q3c issue #30 if you're curious.

  • The Case of the Disappearing Bits

    [number line with location markers]

    Every green line in this image stands for a value exactly representable in a floating point value of finite size. As you see, it's a white area out there [source]

    While I was preparing the publication of Coryn Bailer-Jones' distance estimations based on Gaia eDR3 (to be released about tomorrow), Coryn noticed I was swallowing digits from his numbers. My usual reaction of “aw, these are meaningless anyway because your errors are at least an order of magnitude higher” didn't work this time, because Gaia is such an incredible machine that some of the values really have six significant decimal digits. For an astronomical distance! If I had a time machine, I'd go back to F.W. Bessel right away to make him pale in envy.

    I'm storing these distances as PostgreSQL REALs, so these six digits are perilously close the seven decimal digits that the 23 bits of mantissa of single precision IEEE 754 floats are usually translated to. Suddenly, being cavalier with the last few bits of the mantissa isn't just a venial sin. It will lose science.

    So, I went hunting for the bits, going from parsing (in this case C's sscanf) through my serialisation into Postgres binary copy material (DaCHS operators: this is using a booster) to pulling the material out of the database again. And there I hit it: the bits disappeared between copying them in and retrieving them from the database.

    Wow. Turns out: It's a feature. And one I should have been aware of in that Postgres' docs have a prominent warning box where it explains its floating point types: Without setting extra-float-digits it will cut off bits. And it's done this ever since the dawn of DaCHS (in postgres terms, version 8.2 or so).

    Sure enough (edited for brevity):

    gavo=$ select r_med_geo from gedr3dist.main
    gavo-$ where source_id=563018673253120;
    gavo=$ set extra_float_digits=3;
    gavo=$ select r_med_geo from gedr3dist.main
    gavo-$ where source_id=563018673253120;

    Starting with its database schema 26 (which is the second part of the output of dachs --version), DaCHS will configure its database roles always have extra_float_digits 3; operators beware: this may break your regression tests after the next upgrade.

    If you want to configure your non-DaCHS role, too, all it takes is:

    alter role (you) set extra_float_digits=3,

    You could also make the entire database or even the entire cluster behave like that; but then losing these bits isn't always a bad idea: It really makes the floats prettier while most of the time not losing significant data. It's just when you want to preserve the floats as you get them – and with science data, that's mostly a good idea – that we just can't really afford that prettyness.

    Update (2021-04-22): It turns out that this was already wrong (for some meaning of wrong) when I wrote this. Since PostgreSQL 12, Postgres uses shortest-precise by default (and whenever extra_float_digits is positive). The official documentation has a nice summary of the problem and the way post-12 postgres addresses it. So: expect your float-literal-comparing regression tests to break after the upgrade to bullseye.

  • DaCHS is Bustered

    DaCHS is developed on Debian, and Debian is the recommended deployment platform. Hence, a new major release of Debian (where major means for them: We may break stuff) is always a big thing for me. And so it was with the release that came in July, codenamed “buster”. Both on the “big thing” and on the “break” counts. This posting gives DaCHS deployers some background for their buster upgrades. Astronomers not running Debian themselves won't risk missing anything if they skip this post.

    So, after I upgraded the first thing I noticed is that DaCHS would no longer even start because astropy (which it needs, in particular, because that's where pyfits sits these days) was gone. Simple explanation: Upstream astropy doesn't support python2 any more, and so Debian buster only has python3-astropy.

    Moving DaCHS to python3, unfortunately, isn't that easy; a major dependency, nevow (essentially, a web framework), isn't ported yet, and porting it is a major thing. Believe me, I've tried. The nasty thing, in particular, is that twisted, which lies below nevow still, hands up lots of byte strings. And in python3, b"a"!="a". You wouldn't believe how many interesting bugs that simple truth introduces when you got a library that handed out “just strings” in python2 and now byte strings in python3. Yikes.

    Update (2019-08-28): After quite a bit of experimentation, I finally gave up on providing a python2 version of astropy through release, because for a complicated set of reasons (including numpy declaring a conflict with existing astropys in buster) it is impossible to provide a package that works in buster and doesn't break stretch. So, for buster only you'll have to have a second (or, if running beta, third) gavo line in your sources.list (or equivalent):

    deb buster-foreports main

    The instructions at our APT repository have been updated, so you won't have to bookmark this particular page.

    But that wasn't the end of it. Buster comes with Postgres 11, which I look forward to in particular because it supports parallel query execution. That could help us quite a bit, given out large catalogs that quite often we want to run sequential scans on. But of course this means upgrading postgres. And attempting to do that on my development machine immediately hit a wall. What's nice is that the q3c and pgsphere extensions that we've had to push out ourselves so far are now part of Debian main. What's rather fatal is that our pgsphere extensions dealing with HEALPixes and MOCs aren't part of the buster pgsphere package (the reasons for that are tedious and arcane and have to do with OpenSSL and the GPL).

    Also, the pgsphere package coming with buster is called postgres-pgsphere, which is rather unfortunate as it's missing the version indication. So: If you find it on your system, remove it right away. It will conflict with the one true pgsphere package (postgresql-11-pgsphere). That one you'll get from us, and it has the HEALPix stuff built in. TL;DR: run apt install postgresql-q3c postgresql-11-pgsphere before following the postgres update recipe linked above.

    There's a bit more to upgrading the database this time. Because of fairly low-level cleanup in Postgres itself. you're risking index corruption on string indices. Realistically, for almost anything you'll have, it's unlikely that you're affected (it's essentially about non-ASCII in strings), but then it's better to be safe than sorry, and hence you should say:

    reindex database gavo

    first thing after you've upgraded to Postgres 11 (which you should really do once the box is on buster). Only if you have very large tables it might be worth it to restrict the index regeneration to indices that could actually need it; see the postgres link above for how to do that.

    One last thing on Postgres upgrades: I've not quite tried to work out why, but probably depending on your /etc/hosts DaCHS on buster is much more likely to connect to your database using IPv6 than it was before. Many older Postgres configurations won't let you in then. If that happens to you, just edit /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf and add a line:

    host    all         all         ::1/32          md5

    (or something less permissive if you prefer).

    The next buster-related shock was when TOPCAT's TAP uploads stopped working while my regression tests didn't find anything wrong. After a bit of cursing I eventually figured out that that's not actually buster's fault but twisted's, which in a commit from May 2018 broke chunked uploads (essentially, that's when you're not saying up front how large your upload will be). I've filed a bug report on twisted, but we can't really wait until any sort of fix will be ready and have a broken TOPCAT-DaCHS relationship until then, so for now we're also shipping a fixed twisted package. If you're running DaCHS without our repository enabled, you will have to patch your the twisted code itself. The bug report tells what to do (no warranties, though, because I'm not entriely sure why they changed it in the first place; it's a very small change, though).

    [Update (2019-08-14) scratch the part with the fixed twisted packages. They're too much trouble on stretch systems. You can keep using them on buster boxes if you want, though. The most recent stable release monkeypatches the problem out of presumably broken twisteds, and so will the next beta.]

    I hope you're not totally discouraged now, because upgrade you should (though perhaps not right before going on vacation) – distribution upgrades are unavoidable if you want to run services for decades, and that's definitely a goal within the VO. See the Debian release note for Debian's take on dist upgrades, which arguably is a bit more alarmist than it would need to; a lean, server-only system typically is really simple to upgrade.

    Given the relatively large number of Debian packages we override in buster, I'll be particularly grateful if you complain early about breakage you observe (ideally use the dachs-support mailing list, but see Support for alternatives), and as usual you are encouraged to try the upgrade first on a development system if you have one. Which you should.

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