Posts with the Tag DaCHs:

  • What's new in DaCHS 2.10

    A part of the IVOA product-type vocabulary, and the DaCHS logo with a 2.10 behind it.

    About twice a year, I release a new version of our VO server package DaCHS; in keeping with tradition, this post summarises some of the more notable changes of the most recent release, DaCHS 2.10.


    The next version of VODataService will probably have a new element for service descriptions: productTypeServed. This allows operators to declare what sort of files will come out of a service: images, time series, spectra, or some of the more exotic stuff found in the IVOA product-type vocabulary (you can of course give multiple of these). More on where this is supposed to go is found my Interop talk on this. DaCHS 2.10 now lets you declare what to put there using a productTypeServed meta item.

    For SIA and SSAP services, there is usually no need to give it, as RegTAP services will infer the right value from the service type. But if you serve, say, time series from SSAP, you can override the inference by saying something like:

    <meta name="productTypeServed">timeseries</meta>

    Where this really is important is in obscore, because you can serve any sort of product through a single obscore table. While you could manually declare what you serve by overriding obscore-extraevents in your userconfig RD, this may be brittle and will almost certainly get out of date. Instead, you can run dachs limits //obscore (and you should do that occasionally anyway if you have an obscore table). DaCHS will then feed the meta from what is in your table.

    A related change is that where a piece of metadata is supposed to be drawn from a vocabulary, dachs val will now complain if you use some other identifier. As of DaCHS 2.10 the only metadata item controlled in this way is productTypeServed, though.

    Registering Obscore Tables

    Speaking about Obscore: I have long been unhappy about the way we register Obscore tables. Until now, they rode piggyback in the registry record of the TAP services they were queriable through. That was marignally acceptable as long as we did not have much VOResource metadata specific to the Obscore table. In the meantime, we have coverage in space, time, and spectrum, and there are several meaningful relationships that may be different for the obscore table than for the TAP service. And since 2019, we have the Discovering Data Collections Note that gives a sensible way to write dedicated registry records for obscore tables.

    With the global dataset discovery (discussed here in February) that should come with pyVO 1.6 (and of course the productTypeServed thing just discussed), there even is a fairly pressing operational reason for having these dedicated obscore records. There is a draft of a longer treatment on the background on github (pre-built here) that I will probably upload into the IVOA document repository once the global discovery code has been merged. Incidentally, reviews of that draft before publication are most welcome.

    But what this really means: If you have an obscore table, please run dachs pub //obscore after upgrading (and don't forget to run dachs limits //obscore after you do notable changes to your obscore table).


    Arguably the biggest single usability problem of the VO is <drumroll> sorting! Indeed, it is safe to assume that when someone types “Gaia DR3“ into any sort of search mask, they would like to find some way to query Gaia's gaia_source table (and then perhaps all kinds of other things, but that should reasonably be sorted below even mirrors of gaia_source. Regrettably, something like that is really hard to work out across the Registry outside of these very special cases.

    Within a data centre, however, you can sensibly give an order to things. For DaCHS, that in particular concerns the order of tables in TAP clients and the order of the various entries on the root page. For instance, a recent TOPCAT will show the table browser on the GAVO data centre like this:

    Screenshot of a hierachical display, top-level entries are, in that order, ivoa, tap_schema, bgds, califadr3; ivoa is opened and shows obscore and obs_radio, califadr3 is opened and shows cubes first, then fluxpos tables and finally flux tables.

    The idea is that obscore and TAP metadata are way up, followed by some data collections with (presumably) high scientific value for which we are the primary site; within the califadr3 schema, the tables are again sorted by relevance, as most people will be interested in the cubes first, the somewhat funky fluxpos tables second, and in the entirely nerdy flux tables last.

    You can arrange this by assigning schema-rank metadata at the top level of an RD, and table-rank metadata to individual tables. In both cases, missing ranks default to 10'000, and the lower a rank, the higher up a schema or table will be shown. For instance, dfbsspec/q (if you wonder what that might be: see Byurakan to L2) has:

    <resource schema="dfbsspec">
      <meta name="schema-rank">100</meta>
        <table id="spectra" onDisk="True" adql="True">
          <meta name="table-rank">1</meta>

    This will put dfbsspec fairly high up on the root page, and the spectra table above all others in the RD (which have the implicit table rank of 10'000).

    Note that to make DaCHS notice your rank, you need to dachs pub the modified RDs so the ranks end up in DaCHS' dc.resources table; since the Registry does not much care for these ranks, this is a classic use case for the -k option that preserves the registry timestamp of the resource and will thus prevent a re-publication of the registry record (which wouldn't be a disaster either, but let's be good citizens). Ideally, you assign schema ranks to all the resources you care about in one go and then just say:

    dachs pub -k ALL

    The Obscore Radio Extension

    While the details are still being discussed, there will be a radio extension to Obscore, and DaCHS 2.10 contains a prototype implementation for the current state of the specification (or my reading of it). Technically, it comprises a few columns useful for, in particular, interferometry data. If you have such data, take a look at and then consider trying what DaCHS has to offer so far; now is the time to intervene if something in the standard is not quite the way it should be (from your perspective).

    The documentation for what to do in DaCHS is a bit scarce yet – in particular, there is no tutorial chapter on obs-radio, nor will there be until the extension has converged a bit more –, but if you know DaCHS' obscore support, you will be immediately at home with the //obs-radio#publish mixin, and you can see it in (very limited) action in the emi/q RD.

    The FITS Media Type

    I have for a long time recommended to use a media type of image/fits for FITS “images” and application/fits for FITS (binary) tables. This was in gross violation of standards: I had freely invented image/fits, and you are not supposed to invent media types without then registering them with the IANA.

    To be honest, the invention was not mine (only). There are applications out there flinging around image/fits types, too, but never mind: It's still bad practice, and DaCHS 2.10 tries to rectify it by first using application/fits even where defaults have been image/fits before, and actually retroactively changing image/fits to application/fits in the database where it can figure out that a column contains a media type.

    It is accepting image/fits as an alias for application/fits in SIAP's FORMAT parameter, and so I hope nothing will break. You may have to adapt a few regression tests, though.

    On the Way To pathlib.Path

    For quite a while, Python has had the pathlib module, which is actually quite nice; for instance, it lets you write dir / name rather than os.path.join(dir, name). I would like to slowly migrate towards Path-s in DaCHS, and thus when you ask DaCHS' configuration system for paths (something like base.getConfig("inputsDir")), you will now get such Path-s.

    Most operator code, however, is still isolated from that change; in particular, the sourceToken you see in grammars mostly remains a string, and I do not expect that to change for the forseeable future. This is mainly because the usual string operations many people to do remove extensions and the like (self.sourceToken[:-5]) will fail rather messily with Path-s:

    >>> n = pathlib.Path("/a/b/c.fits")
    >>> n[:-5]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'PosixPath' object is not subscriptable

    So, if you don't call getConfig in any of your DaCHS-facing code, you are probably safe. If you do and get exceptions like this, you know where they come from. The solution, stringification, is rather straightforward:

    >>> str(n)[:-5]

    Partly as a consequence of this, there were slight changes in the way processors work. I hope I have not damaged anyone's code, but if you do custom previews and you overrode classify, you will have to fix your code, as that now takes an accref together with the path to be created.

    Odds And Ends

    As usual, there are many minor improvements and additions in DaCHS. Let me mention security.txt support. This complies to RFC 9116 and is supposed to give folks discovering a vulnerability a halfway reliable way to figure out who to complain to. If you try http://<your-hostname>/.well-known/security.txt, you will see exactly what is in If this is in conflict with some bone-headed security rules your institution may have, you can replace security.txt in DaCHS' central template directory (most likely /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gavo/resources/templates/); but in that case please complain, and we will make this less of a hassle to change or turn off.

    You can no longer use dachs serve start and dachs serve stop on systemd boxes (i.e., almost all modern Linux boxes as configured by default). That is because systemd really likes to manage daemons itself, and it gets cross when DaCHS tries to do it itself.

    Also, it used to be possible to fetch datasets using /getproduct?key=some/accref. This was a remainder of some ancient design mistake, and DaCHS has not produced such links for twelve years. I have now removed DaCHS' ability to fetch accrefs from key parameters (the accrefs have been in the path forever, as in /getproduct/some/accref). I consider it unlikely that someone is bitten by this change, but I personally had to fix two ancient regression tests.

    If you use embedded grammars and so far did not like the error messages because they always said “unknown location“, there is help: just set self.location to some string you want to see when something is wrong with your source. For illustration, when your source token is the name of a text file you process line by line, you would write:

      with open(self.sourceToken) as f:
        for line_no, line in enumerate(f):
          self.location = f"{self.sourceToken}, {line_no}"
          # not do whatever you need to do on line

    When regression-testing datalink endpoints, self.datalinkBySemantics may come in handy. This returns a mapping from concept identifiers to lists of matching rows (which often is just one). I have caught myself re-implementing what it does in the tests itself once too often.

    Finally, and also datalink-related, when using the //soda#fromStandardPubDID descriptor generator, you sometimes want to add just an extra attribute or two, and defining a new descriptor generator class for that seems too much work. Well, you can now define a function addExtras(descriptor) in the setup element and mangle the descriptor in whatever way you like.

    For instance, I recently wanted to enrich the descriptor with a few items from the underlying database table, and hence I wrote:

    <descriptorGenerator procDef="//soda#fromStandardPubDID">
      <bind name="accrefPrefix">"dasch/q/"</bind>
      <bind name="contentQualifier">"image"</bind>
          def addExtras(descriptor):
            descriptor.suppressAutoLinks = True
            with base.getTableConn() as conn:
              descriptor.extMeta = next(conn.queryToDicts(
                "SELECT * FROM dasch.plates"
                " WHERE obs_publisher_did = %(did)s",
                {"did": descriptor.pubDID}))

    Upgrade As Convenient

    That's it for the notable changes in DaCHS 2.10. As usual, if you have the GAVO repository enabled, the upgrade will happen as part of your normal Debian apt upgrade. Still, if you have not done so recently, have a quick look at upgrading in the tutorial. If, on the other hand, you use the Debian-distributed DaCHS package and you do not need any of the new features, you can let things sit and enjoy the new features after your next dist-upgrade.

    Oh, by the way: If you are still on buster (or some other distribution that still has astropy 4): A few (from my perspective minor) things will be broken; astropy is evolving too fast, but in general, I am trying to hack around the changes to make DaCHS work at least with the astropys in oldstable, stable, and unstable. However, in cases when a failure seems to be more of an annoyance to, I am resigning. If any of the broken things do bother you, do let me know, but also consider installing a backport of astropy 5 or higher – or, better, to dist-upgrade to bookworm. Sorry about that.

  • DaCHS 2.9 is out

    Our VO server package DaCHS almost always sees two releases per year, each time roughly after the Interops[1]. So, with the Tucson Interop over, it's time for DaCHS 2.9, and this is the traditional what's new post.

    Data Origin – the big headline for this release could be “curation”, in that three upcoming standardoid entities in that field are prototyped in 2.9. One is Data Origin, which is a note on how to embed some very basic provenance information into VOTables.

    This is going to help your users figure out how they came up with a VOTable when the referee has clever questions about the paper they submitted half a year earlier. The good news is: if you defined your metadata in your RD with sufficient care, with DaCHS 2.9 you will automatically do Data Origin.

    Feed your D links – another curation-related new thing in DaCHS is an implementation of what will hopefully be known as BibVO in the future. At this point, it is an unpublished note on Github. In essence, the purpose is to feed bibliographic services – and in particular the ADS – “D links”, i.e., links from publications to data. A part of this works automatically (the source metadatum), but the more advanced biblinks need a bit of manual intervention.

    If you even have, say, an observatory bibliography consisting pairs of papers and data used by these papers, you will probably have to write a handful of code. See biblinks in the reference documentation for details if any of this sounds as if it could apply to you. In this context, I have also enabled passing multiple accrefs to the /get endpoint. Users will then receive a tar file of the referenced data products.

    altIdentifiers in relationships – still in the bibliographic realm, VOResource 1.2 will (almost certainly) let you set altIdentifiers, in particular DOIs, when you declare relationships to other resources. That is probably of interest in particular when you want to declare relationships to things outside of the VO to services like b2find that themselves do not understand ivoids. In that situation, you would write something like:

    Cites: Some external thing
    Cites.altIdentifier: doi:10.fake/123412349876

    in a <meta> tag in your RD.

    json columns – postgresql has the very tempting and apparently all-powerful json type; it lets you stick complex structures into database columns and thus apparently relieve you of all the tedious tasks of designing database tables and documenting metadata.

    Written like this, you probably notice it's a slippery slope at best. Still, there are some non-hazardous uses for such columns, and thus you can now say type="json" or (probably preferably) type="jsonb" in column definitions. You can feed these columns with dicts, lists or JSON literals in strings. Clients will receive both of them as JSON string literals in char[*] FIELDs with an xtype of json. Neither astropy nor TOPCAT do anything with that xtype yet, but I expect that will change soon.

    Copy coverage – sometimes two resources have the same spatial (and potentially temporal and spectral) coverage. Since obtaining the coverage is an expensive operation, it would be nice to be able to say “aw, look at that other resource and take its coverage.” The classic example in DaCHS is the system-wide SIAP2 service that really is just a parametric wrapper around obscore. In such cases, you can now say something like:

    <coverage fallbackTo="__system__/obscore"/>

    – and //siap2 already does. That's one more reason to occasionally run dachs limits //obscore if you offer an obscore table.

    First VOTable row in tests – if you have calls to getFirstVOTableRow in regression tests (you have regression tests, right?) that return multiple rows, these will fail now until you also pass rejectExtras=False to that call. I've had regressions that were hidden by the function's liberal acceptance of extra rows, and it's too simple to produce unstable tests (that magically succeed and fail depending to the current state of the database) with the old behaviour. I hence hope for your sympathy and understanding in case I broke one of your tests.

    ADQL extensions – there is now arr_count to complement the array extension added in 2.7. Also, our custom UDFs transform, normal_random, to_jd, to_mjd, and simbadpoint now have a prefix of ivo_ rather than the previous gavo_. In order not to break existing queries, DaCHS will still accept the gavo_-prefixed names for the forseeable future, but it will no longer advertise them.

    Minor fixes – as usual, there are many minor bug fixes and improvements, the most visible of which is probably that DaCHS now correctly handles literal + chars in multipart-encoded (”uploads”) requests again; that was broken in 2.8 after the removal of the dependency on python's CGI module. Also, MOC-valued columns can now be serialised into non-VOTable formats like JSON or CSV.

    If you have been using DaCHS' built-in HTTPS support, certain clients may have rejected its certificates. That was because we were pulling an expired intermediate certificate from letsencrypt. If you don't understand what I was just saying, don't worry. If you do understand that and know a good way to avoid this kind of calamity in the future, I'm grateful for advice.

    VCS move – when DaCHS was born, using the venerable subversion for version control was considered reputable. These days, fewer and fewer people can still deal with that, and thus I have moved the DaCHS source code into a git repository:

    I hear you moan “why not github?” Well: don't get me started unless you are prepared to listen to a large helping of proselytising. Suffice it to say that we in academia invented the internet (for all intents and purposes) and it's a shame that we now rely so much on commercial entities to provide our basic services (and then without paying them, as a rule, which is always a dangerous proposition towards commercial entities).

    Anyway: Feel free to use that service's bug tracker; we try to find ways to let you log in there without undue hardship, too.

    At this point, I customarily urge: don't wait, upgrade. If you have our Debian repository enabled, apt update && apt upgrade should do the trick, except if you missed our announcement on dachs-users that our repository key has changed. If you have not updated it, please have a look at our repo page to see what needs to be done. Sorry about this, but our old 1024D key was being frowned upon, so we had to do something.

    Unless you are an old hand and have upgraded many times before, let me recommend a quick glance at our upgrading guide before doing the actual upgrade.

    [1]The reason we wait for the Interops is that we are generally promising to put something into DaCHS at or around these conferences. This time, the preliminary support for json-typed database columns is an example for that.
  • GAVO at the Fall 2023 Interop in Tucson

    The Virtual Observatory, in practical terms, is the set of standards created and maintained by the IVOA. The IVOA, in turn, is a community almost defined by the two conferences it holds every year, the Interops (previously on this blog). The most recent Interop has just ended: The 2023 Tucson Fall Interop. Here are a few notes on what went on there from my (and to some extent GAVO's) perspective.

    A almost-orange orange haging in a tree.

    This fall's IVOA Interop was hosted by Steward Observatory, where they had ripening oranges in the backyard. They were edible!

    For at least a decade and a half, the autumn Interops have been back-to-back with the ADASS conferences. ADASS, short for Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, is a venerable conference series, created far in the last century (this year: ADASS XXXIII) to have a forum for people who work in the magic triangle of astronomy, instrumentation, and data processing. Clearly, such a forum is very well suited to spread the word about the miracles we are working in the VO.

    To that end, I was involved in the creation of three posters: One on the use of MOCs in TAP – a somewhat extended version of something you saw on this blog first –, then one on data discovery in pyVO by Renaud Savalle (Paris) et al – a topic again familiar to readers of this blog – and finally one on improving the description of ADQL to enable more reliable machine validation of its grammar by Grégory Mantelet (Strasbourg) et al.

    As the conference at large goes, I was really delighted to see how basically everyone talking about data publication at all was stressing they are “doing VO”, which was a very welcome change from, perhaps, 10 years ago when this kind of talk was typcially extolling the virtues of one particular web or javascript framework. One of the great thing about standards in general and the VO in particular is that they tend to be a lot more durable than all those frameworks.

    The following Interop was a “short” one, lasting from Friday morning until Sunday noon, which meant that I was far too busy to do anything like a live blog while it went on. Let me hence just briefly point out the main talks related to GAVO's current activities and DaCHS.

    In Data Curation and Preservation on Saturday morning, Baptiste Cecconi (Paris) gave a nice overview of – among other things – what our bridge between the Registry and b2find (in particular, using the VOResource to DataCite mapper) enables in the context of the EOSC, and he briefly touched the question of how to properly make landing pages for VO resources (for which I am currently using another piece of XSLT).

    In the Radio session later that morning, Ixaka Labadie (Granada) gave a talk on how he is using DaCHS to deliver 3D visualisations for fairly impressive (prototype) SKA data. I particularly liked his illustrations of how DaCHS does Datalink and SODA. See his slide 12:

    Boxes and arrows illustrating how SIAP and Datalink are described in DaCHS resource descriptors

    In the afternoon, there was the Registry session, which featured me talking about the harvest trigger service I have been running for a while to help people across the anticlimactic moment when you have published your new resource but it won't show up in TOPCAT or pyVO for a day or so.

    The bulk of this session, however, was used for a discussion about various shortcomings of the Registry or its interfaces that I found pleasantly productive – incidentally, just like the discussion on word lists in EPN-TAP on Friday afternoon's Solar System Session that I had the pleasure to chair.

    In the DAL session on that afternoon, I had two talks: One was on the proposed new interoperable user-defined functions already implemented in DaCHS' ADQL and now coming up in several other services, too. Note to self: Some of these would probably be rather suitable blog post material.

    The second talk was a sort of brief show-and-tell pitch, in which I pointed out that hierarchical TAP examples using the elegant examples:continued property now actually work in both pyVO and TOPCAT:

    A three-level popup menu Service Provided -> Local UDFs -> using ivo_histogram

    Finally, in Sunday morning's Apps session, I talked about global image discovery in pyVO. This was about an early promise of the VO: just say where in space, time, and spectrum you need an image (or spectrum, or time series, or whatever), and some apparatus will find and query all the services that could have pertinent data. It would then present the metadata of the datasets it found in some useful form that would let you make informed decisions which to fetch.

    This was not too difficult in the olden days, but by now the VO is so big and complicated that a pyVO module with fairly involved logic is required. If you don't want to read the notes here, don't worry: I can safely predict that you'll read more about that topic on this blog.

    This is nowhere near done yet; so, it is one more piece of homework that I am taking home with me.

  • DaCHS 2.8 is out

    Today, I have released DaCHS 2.8 and uploaded it to our APT repository; it should also appear in Debian unstable within the next two weeks. This is the traditional post on what is new in this release.

    If I had to name the highlights of what was added since version 2.7, released last November, I would probably say it's HiPS support and the general move towards SIAPv2, although I would have to admit that both did not involve large amounts of code, in particular when compared to the various changes related to COOSYS and TIMESYS.

    So, what about HiPS support? As you probably know, HiPSes are zoomable images (or catalogues, too); if you have a survey-like image collection published through SIAP, you owe it to yourself to have a look at this.

    Given HiPSes are so interactive in Aladin and the like, it may be surprising that they do not really require an active server component: technically, they are just a directory tree created and organised in a very clever way. So, why would DaCHS have a HiPS renderer and boast about it? Well, there are a few amenities (such as auto-generated hips.params files and properties once you have your RD), and DaCHS will care about the Registry side of a HiPS publication. For details, see the HiPS section in the tutorial.

    The SIAP2 story is that (against my rather substantial skepticism) people insisted on creating a new image search protocol in the early 2010s. Since it doesn't have tangible benefits over the venerable SIA1 and even less over Obscore, DaCHS so far has limited its support for SIAP2 to a single global SIAP2 service based on the Obscore table. But then SIAP1 with its stinky UCDs does show its age, and since support for SIAP2 in various clients has been falling into place over the last few years, DaCHS now nudges you to publish your images through SIAP2, for instance by producing a template for a SIAP2 service in dachs start.

    SIAP2 is also what the image section of the tutorial now reflects. If you already have SIAP1 services, the migration should not be hard (except where you used the siapCutoutCore), but given occasional shakiness in the SIAP2 support of the various tools, I'd still wait for a year or two; I have certainly no plans to remove SIAP1 from DaCHS within the next ten years or so. If you still want to migrate, feel free to ask for a section on doing so in DaCHS' How Do I? document.

    From the department of “this update may break your service”: I you have SODA cutouts of cubes, this update will rather likely break the cutout on the non-spatial axis. To fix things, if that axis is spectral, pass its index in a spectralAxis parameter to //soda#fits_standardDLFuncs (or to //soda#fits_makeWCSParams, if that's what you use)[1]. On the other hand, you can now define a velocityAxis, too (and for other cases, there is still axisMetaOverrides).

    Among the more generally interesting new features may be the UnionGrammar. This is for when you have multiple sorts of inputs that require different parsers, for instance, when the data provider changes the formats in which they deliver the data in the midst of a project. I would hope the example from the unionGrammar documentation illustrates what this could be useful for:

      <handles pattern=".*\.txt$">
      <handles pattern=".*\.csv$">

    Also note that you can create some uniformity between what the grammars yield (and thus avoid a lot of if-else-ing in the rowmaker) by using rowfilters.

    I would have needed the union grammar several times before but had always quickly hacked around that need with some custom grammar. Another itch that has in this way come up multiple times before and for which 2.8 has what I think is a reasonable solution: I occasionally want to share some logic between multiple RDs, but that logic is not general enough to go into DaCHS itself. For such situations, you can now drop a file into your configuration directory (usually, /var/gavo/etc).

    In code saying from gavo import api (which is what you should in general do when programming against DaCHS; in procs, say <setup imports="gavo.api"/>), you can then access the names defined in there as api.local.<name>. For instance (and that's not contrived), say your observers have several particularly babylonian ways of writing times, and you have to parse these in several data collections (i.e., RDs). You could then add a function like this to your

    def parse_babylonian_time(raw_time:str) -> float:
      """Tries to interpret raw_time as a time in one of the many forms
      our observers like so much.
      Here is the syntaxes supported by the function:
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("1h")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("4h30m")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("1h30m20s")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("20m")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("10.5m")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("1m10s")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("15s")
      >>> parse_babylonian_time("s23m")
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      ValueError: Cannot understand time 's23m'
      mat = re.match(
        r"(?P<seconds>\d+(?:\.\d+)?s)?$", raw_time)
      if mat is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Cannot understand time '{raw_time}'")
      parts = mat.groupdict()
      return (float((parts["hours"] or "0h")[:-1])*3600
        + float((parts["minutes"] or "0m")[:-1])*60
        + float((parts["seconds"] or "0s")[:-1]))

    (or something similarly abominable). That way, the function is available to all RDs, there is just one implementation to maintain, and it can be centrally tested (dachs test could certainly do with with a facility to execute doctests, too).

    DaCHS 2.8 also comes with yet another way to declare space-time metadata. That's a longer story, and while all this should have happened 10 years ago, there's no particular hurry now. I will therefore write about improvements in TIMESYS and COOSYS in a later post dedicated to votable:Coords and its products. Meanwhile, just two things: In the unlikely case you already have “stc2“ annotations in your RDs, you will have to rename the value attribute in space clauses to location. And: SSAP and SIAP now produce proper TIMESYS-es. If you happen to know the timescales and reference positions of your observation dates, starting in 2.8 you can define them in the respective mixins (the refposition and timescale mixin parameters).

    There are two notable additions in DaCHS' Datalink support (which is newly declared to support version 1.1): For one, you can now pass contentQualifier to descriptor.makeLink[FromFile], which will normally be a product type taken from (e.g., “image” or “dynamic-spectrum“). Because they can help clients select appropriate clients to send a datalink to, it is certainly a good thing to add them to your datalinks where applicable.

    Also, datalink meta makers can now return ProcLinkDef instances. This lets you have multiple distinct processing services within a single Datalink document. To make that a bit prettier, there is also a secret handshake (as in: an INFO element with a name of title) between DaCHS' datalink service and the XSLT that formats datalink documents in browsers (also available for third-party datalink documents). See multiple processing services in the reference for details.

    Let me briefly mention a few more changes you may be interested in:

    • condDescs can now be declared as inputOptional, which is useful when you want to have syntax-adaptive defaults.
    • you can now configure the size of DaCHS connection pools in [db]poolSize (in particular, set it to 0 to disable connection pooling).
    • in ADQL, you can now do things like CONTAINS(CIRCLE(23, 42, 1), some_moc) (i.e., compute boolean predicates between the classical geometries and MOCs).
    • DaCHS no longer fails with numpy-s later than 1.23, and is no longer dependent on the cgi module that is scheduled for removal from python. In consequence, there is a new dependency, python3-multipart.
    [1]That is, unless you already defined spectralAxis because DaCHS' heuristics were wrong before version 2.8. But then your service won't break, either.
  • DaCHS is now at Version 2.7

    Logo-ish 2.7 with a multi-array plot

    Last Friday, I have released Version 2.7 of GAVO's Virtual Observatory server package DaCHS. As is customary, I will give a brief overview of the more noteworthy changes in this blog post. This is probably only of interest to people running DaCHS-based data centres. What I discuss here is both a bit more verbose and a bit less extensive than what you find in the Changes file (when installed from package, you would read it by running /usr/share/doc/python3-gavo/changelog.gz).

    The highlight in this release from my view are simple, numpy-like vector operations in ADQL. Regular readers of this blog will already have seen an example for their use. This is altogether a prototype, which is why what specification is there is only on the IVOA wiki. It is thus likely some details of the vector math will change until they make it into any sort of standard (I am hoping for ADQL 2.2). This should not keep you from trying it out and telling your users about it.

    In that same vein, the FITS binary table grammar now copes with vectors, which makes it easier to populate tables that make these operations useful, and for the sort of large tables where the array magic has particularly much promise, it is now a lot simpler to feed array-valued columns with C boosters.

    Other ADQL work includes the addition of proper, standards-compliant epoch propagation (i.e., “application of proper motion and radial velocity“) in the form of the ivo_epoch_prop and ivo_epoch_prop_pos user defined functions. Regrettably, this will not immediately work for you, as it builds on a feature in pgsphere that upstream has not merged yet; comments on that PR will certainly help make that happen. Of course, if you want, you can just build the pgsphere branch containing the new feature yourself. To make up for this complication, DaCHS will no longer advertise UDFs that will not work given the database extensions present – which will help me be a bit more liberal in letting in UDFs wrapping functionality not in Postgres' default distribution in the future.

    If you run datalink services and have multiple items with the same semantics, you may be interested in using local_semantics in Datalink. The use case here is that clients like TOPCAT will remain on, say, light curves in a red filter when the user jumps between records rather than randomly switching between red and blue ones when both have #coderived semantics (Mark's proposal). If you have data of this kind: you can now pass a localSemantics parameter to the makeLink and makeLinkFromFile methods of datalink descriptors; what string you use is up to you, as long as it's the same between similar rows for different datasets.

    I tend to forget that surprisingly many people actually do something with the ADQL form you get on DaCHS' web interface rather than use a TAP client. Well, a DaCHS operator complained about really sub-standard table headings in the HTML tables coming out of this service. Looking again, I had to admit he was right. So, TAP columns now have more meaningful table headings; in particular, if you write expressions, up to a certain length these expressions will be used as table headings. At least in this respect the ADQL form now has an advantage over using a proper client.

    In case you have a processor doing astrometric calibration with (you probably don't because it would have been very hard to make that work on without a lot of hacks so far) – have another look at the documentation because I have had various reasons to change api.AnetHeaderProcessor's API in quite a number of ways. It's now a lot easier to use with and source-extractor as distributed by Debian, but I'd still not have broken the API so badly if I had suspected anyone but me had significant code against this.

    I should also warn you that DaCHS now uses astropy to format sexagesimal times and coordinates. This is probably welcome news to those who ever encountered one of DaCHS' 05:59:60 outputs (which happened due to the way it did its rounding). Still, if you have regression tests testing for strings like that, you will need to update them.

    From the many minor fixes I should probably mention that DaCHS is now ready for Postgres 15 (which will probably the Postgres version in the next Debian stable). This used to be broken on new installations because Postgres 15 no longer lets normal users write to the public schema. DaCHS needs a database role that can do this, though, because it defines public functions. Since version 2.7, it does the necessary setup to make this possible. If you make your public schema non-world-writable manually – Postgres upgrades will not do that for you, and I would say there is no strong reason to do so for databases backing DaCHS –, do not forget to GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO gavoadmin.

    With this – don't wait, upgrade. If you have GAVO's repository enabled, apt update && apt upgrade would probably do the trick, though of course I recommend having a look at our upgrading guide for robustness and good housekeeping.

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