• Parallel Queries

    Image: Plot of run times

    An experiment with parallel querying of PPMX, going from single-threaded execution to using seven workers.

    Let me start this post with a TL;DR for

    Large analysis queries (like those that contain a GROUP BY clause) profit a lot from parallel execution, and you needn't do a thing for that.
    DaCHS operators:
    When you have large tables, Postgres 11 together with the next DaCHS release may speed up your responses quite dramatically in some cases.

    So, here's the story –

    I've finally overcome my stretch trauma and upgraded the Heidelberg data center's database server to Debian buster. With that, I got Postgres 11, and I finally bothered to look into what it takes to enable parallel execution of database queries.

    Turns out: My Postgres started to do parallel execution right away, but just in case, I went for the following lines in postgresql.conf:

    max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 4
    max_worker_processes = 10
    max_parallel_workers = 10

    Don't quote me on this – I frankly admit I haven't really developed a feeling for the consequences of max_parallel_workers_per_gather and instead just did some experiments while the box was loaded otherwise, determining where raising that number has a diminishing return (see below for more on this).

    The max_worker_processes thing, on the other hand, is an educated guess: on my data center, there's essentially never more than one person at a time who's running “interesting”, long-running queries (i.e., async), and that person should get the majority of the execution units (the box has 8 physical CPUs that look like 16 cores due to hyperthreading) because all other operations are just peanuts in comparison. I'll gladly accept advice to the effect that that guess isn't that educated after all.

    Of course, that wasn't nearly enough. You see, since TAP queries can return rather large result sets – on the GAVO data center, the match limit is 16 million rows, which for a moderate row size of 2 kB already translates to 32 GB of memory use if pulled in at once, half the physical memory of that box –, DaCHS uses cursors (if you're a psycopg2 person: named cursors) to stream results and write them out to disk as they come in.

    Sadly, postgres won't do parallel plans if it thinks people will discard a large part of the result anyway, and it thinks that if you're coming through a cursor. So, in SVN revision 7370 of DaCHS (and I'm not sure if I'll release that in this form), I'm introducing a horrible hack that, right now, just checks if there's a literal “group” in the query and doesn't use a cursor if so. The logic is, roughly: With GROUP, the result set probably isn't all that large, so streaming isn't that important. At the same time, this type of query is probably going to profit from parallel execution much more than your boring sequential scan.

    This gives rather impressive speed gains. Consider this example (of course, it's selected to be extreme):

    import contextlib
    import pyvo
    import time
    def timeit(activity):
      start_time = time.time()
      end_time = time.time()
      print("Time spent on {}: {} s".format(activity, end_time-start_time))
    svc = pyvo.tap.TAPService("http://dc.g-vo.org/tap")
    with timeit("Cold (?) run"):
      svc.run_sync("select round(Rmag) as bin, count(*) as n"
        " from ppmx.data group by bin")
    with timeit("Warm run"):
      svc.run_sync("select round(Rmag) as bin, count(*) as n"
        " from ppmx.data group by bin")

    (if you run it yourself and you get warnings about VOTable versions from astropy, ignore them; I'm right and astropy is wrong).

    Before enabling parallel execution, this was 14.5 seconds on a warm run, after, it was 2.5 seconds. That's an almost than a 6-fold speedup. Nice!

    Indeed, that holds beyond toy examples. The showcase Gaia density plot:

            count(*) AS obs,
            source_id/140737488355328 AS hpx
    FROM gaia.dr2light
    GROUP BY hpx

    (the long odd number is 235416-6, which turns source_ids into level 6-HEALPixes as per Gaia footnote id; please note that Postgres right now isn't smart enough to parallelise ivo_healpix), which traditionally ran for about an hour is now done in less than 10 minutes.

    In case you'd like to try things out on your postgres, here's what I've done to establish the max_parallel_workers_per_gather value above.

    1. Find a table with a few 1e7 rows. Think of a query that will return a small result set in order to not confuse the measurements by excessive client I/O. In my case, that's a magnitude histogram, and the query would be:

      select round(Rmag) as bin, count(*) as n from ppmx.data group by bin;

      Run this query once so the data is in the disk cache (the query is “warm”).

    2. Establish a non-parallel baseline. That's easy to do:

      set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0;
    3. Then run:

      explain analyze select round(Rmag) as bin, count(*) as n from ppmx.data group by bin;

      You should see a simple query plan with the runtime for the non-parallel execution – in my case, a bit more than 12 seconds.

    4. Then raise the number of max_parallel_workers_per_gatherer successively. Make sure the query plan has lines of the form “Workers Planned” or so. You should see that the execution time falls with the number of workers you give it, up to the value of max_worker_processes – or until postgres decides your table is too small to warrant further parallelisation, which for my settings happened at 7.

    Note, though, that in realistic, more complex queries, there will probably be multiple operations that will profit from parallelisation in a single query. So, if in this trivial example you can go to 15 gatherers and still see an improvement, this could actually make things slower for complex queries. But as I said above: I have no instinct yet for how things will actually work out. If you have experiences to share: I'm sure I'm not the only person on dachs-users who't be interested.

    Update 2022-05-17: In Postgres 13, I found that the planner disfavours parallel plans a lot stronger than I think it has in Postgres 11. To make up for that, I've amended my postgres configuration (in /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf) with the slightly bizarre:

    parallel_tuple_cost = 0.001
    parallel_setup_cost = 3

    This is certainly not ideal for every workload, but given the queries I see in the VO I want to give Postgres no excuse not to parallelise when there is at least the shard of a chance it'll help; given I'll never execute more than very few queries per second, the extra overhead for parallelising queries that would be faster sequentially will never really bite me.

  • LAMOST5 meets Datalink

    One of the busiest spectral survey instruments operated right now is the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectrograph Telescope (LAMOST). And its data in the VO, more or less: DR2 and DR3 have been brought into the VO by our Czech colleagues, but since they currently lack resources to update their services to the latest releases, they have kindly given me their DaCHS resource descriptor, and so I had a head start for publishing DR5 in Heidelberg.

    With some minor updates, here it is now: Over nine million medium-resolution spectra covering large parts of the northen sky – the spatial coverage is like this:

    Coverage Healpix map

    There's lots of fun to be had with this; of course, there's an SSA service, so when you point Aladin or Splat at some part of the covered sky and look for spectra, chances are you'll see LAMOST spectra, and when working on some of our tutorials (this one, for example), it happened that LAMOST actually had what I was looking for when writing them.

    But I'd like to use the opportunity to mention two other modes of accessing the data.

    Stacked spectra

    Tablesample and TOPCAT's Plot Table activation action

    Say you'd like to look at spectra of M stars and would like to have some sample from across the sky, fire up TOPCAT, point its TAP client the GAVO DC TAP service (http://dc.g-vo.org/tap) and run something like:

      ssa_pubDID, accref, raj2000, dej2000, ssa_targsubclass
    from lamost5.data tablesample(1)
      ssa_targsubclass like 'M%'

    This is using the TABLESAMPLE modifier in the from clause, which isn't standard ADQL yet. As mentioned in the DaCHS 1.4 announcement, DaCHS has a prototype implementation of what's been discussed on the IVOA's DAL mailing list: pick a part of a table rather than the full one. It takes a percentage as an argument, and tells the server to choose about this percentage of the table's records using a reasonable and fast heuristic. Note that this won't give you perfect statistical sampling, but if it's not “good enough” for some purpose, I'd like to learn about that purpose.

    Drawing a proper statistical sample, on the other hand, would take minutes on the GAVO database server – with tablesample, I had the roughly 6000 spectra the above query returns essentially instantaneously, and from eyeballing a sky plot of them, I'd say their distribution is close enough to that of the full DR5. So: tablesample is your friend.

    For a quick look at the spectra themselves, in TOPCAT click Views/Activation Actions, check “Plot Table” and make sure TOPCAT proposes the accref column as “Table Location” (if you don't see these items, update your TOPCAT – it's worth it). Now click on a row or perhaps a dot on a plot and behold an M spectrum.

  • DaCHS 1.4 is out

    Dachs logo with "version 1.4" superposed

    Since the Groningen Interop is over, it's time for a DaCHS release, and so, roughly half a year after the release of DaCHS 1.3, today I've pushed DaCHS 1.4 into our Debian repository.

    As usual, you should upgrade as soon as you find time to do so, because upgrades become more difficult if they span large version gaps; and one of these days you will need some new feature or run into one of the odd bugs. Upgrading is a good opportunity to also get your DaCHS ready for buster by adding the repos mentioned there.

    The list of new features is rather short this time around. Here are some noteworthy ones:

    • There's now an XML grammar that can be used when you have to parse smallish snippets of XML as, for instance, in VOEvent.
    • You can now use TABLESAMPLE(1) after a table specification in DaCHS' ADQL to tell the database engine to just use 1% of a table for a query. While this isn't a precise way to sample tables, it's great when developing queries.
    • Also among new features I'd like to see in ADQL and have therefore put into DaCHS is GENERATE_SERIES(a,b), which is what is known as table-generating function in SQL . If you know SDSS CasJobs, you'll have seen lots of those already. GENERATE_SERIES, however, is really plain: it just spits out a table with a column with integers between a and b. For an example of why one might what to have that, check out the poster I'm linking to in my ADASS report.
    • If you have an updating data descriptor (usually, because you keep feeding data into a data collection), DaCHS will no longer automatically re-make its dependencies (like, say, views). That's because that's not necessary in general, and it's a pain if every update on an obscore-published table tears down and rebuilds the obscore view. For the rare cases when you do need to rebuild dependencies, there's now a remakeOnDataChange attribute on data.
    • At the interop, I've mentioned a few use cases for knowing which server software you're talking to, and I've said that people should set their server headers to informative values. DaCHS does that now.

    To conclude on a low note: This is probably going to be the last release of DaCHS for python 2. Even though we will have to shed a dependency or two that simply will not be ported to python 3, and even though I'm rather unhappy with a few properties of the python 3 port of twisted, there's probably no way to escape this, given that Debian is purging out python 2 packages quickly already.

    So, when we meet again for the next release, you'll probably be looking at DaCHS 2.0, and where you have custom code in your RDs, it's rather likely that you'll see a minor amount of breakage. I promise I'll do everything I can to make the migration easy for deployers, but I can't do higher magic, so: If there's ever been a time to add regression tests to your RDs, it's now.

  • ADASS and Interop

    ADASS group photo

    ADASS XXIX is a big conference with lots of attendants. I've taken the liberty of scaling the photo so you really won't recognise me (though I am on the photo). Note that, regrettably, the interop will be a lot smaller.

    The people that create the Virtual Observatory standards, organised in the IVOA, meet twice a year: Once in spring for a five-day meeting (this year it happened in Paris), and once in autumn for a three-day meeting back-to-back to ADASS, the venerable (this year it's the 29th installment) meeting of people dealing with astronomy and computers.

    We're now on day three of ADASS, and for me, so far this has been more or an endless hackathon, with discussing and hacking on things like mirrors for DFBS, ADQL 2.1, the evolution of IVOA vocabularies (more on this soon somewhere around here), a vocabulary of object types, getting LAMOST 5 published properly in the VO, the measurements data model, convincing more registries to push out space-time coverage for their resources (I'm showing a poster on that), and a lot more.

    So, getting to actually listen to talks during ADASS almost is something of a luxury, and a mind-widening at that – I've just listend to a talk about effectively doubling the precision of VLBI geodesy (in this case, measuring the location of radio telescopes to a few millimeters) by a piece of clever software, and before that I could learn a bit about how complex it is to figure out how much interference something emitting radio waves will cause in some other place on earth (like, well, a radio telescope). In case you're curious: A bit more than a year from now, short papers on the topics will appear in the proceedings of ADASS XXIX, which in turn you'll find in the ADASS proceedings collections (or on arXiv before that).

    Given the experience of the last few days, I doubt I'll do anything like the live blog from Paris linked above. I still can't resist mentioning that at ADASS, I'm having a poster that's little more than an ad blitz for STC in the registry.

    Update (2019-10-13): Well, one week later I'm sitting in the closing session of the Interop, and I've even already given my summary of Semantics activities during the interop. Other topics I've talked about at this interop include interoperable authentication (I'm really interested in this because I'd like to enable persistent TAP uploads, where your uploaded tables are still there for you when you come back), a minor update to SimpleDALRegExt (which is overall rather technical and you probably don't want to look at), on the takeup of new Registry tech (which might come over as somewhat sad, but considering that you have to pull along many people to have changes in “the” Registry, it's not so bad at all), and on, as Mark Taylor called it, operational identification of server software (which I consider entertaining in its somewhat erratic narrative).

    And now, after 7 days of essential nonstop discussion and brainstorming, I'm longing to slump into a chair on the train back to Heidelberg and just enjoy the landscape rolling by.

  • GAVO at AG-Tagung Stuttgart

    towel with astro photo

    Our puzzler prize this year: a Photo of the seahorse in the LMC, taken during Hubble's 100000th orbit around the earth, on a fluffy towel.

    It's time again for the meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (as 2017 in Göttingen; last year we had the IAU general assembly instead). We're there with a booth (right next to the exhibition on 100 years of IAU) and a splinter meeting, at which I'll have a sales pitch for cross-server uploads.

    And, of course, there's a puzzler again: you could win a beautiful towel if you solve a little VO-related problem. This year's puzzler is about where in the sky you'll see “nebulae” (in the classic sense defined by NGC) batched together most closely. If you've been following this blog for a while, it shouldn't be too hard, but to participate you'd have to find someone in Stuttgart to hand in your solution.

    If you are in Stuttgart: As usual, we'll be giving hints during the coffee breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday. So, be sure to visit our booth.

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