Posts with the Tag ADQL:

  • Gaia DR3 XP Spectra: All Sampled

    Lots of blue crosses and a few red squares plotted over a sky photograph of a star cluster

    Around this time of the year on the northern hemisphere, you can spot the h and χ Persei double star cluster with the naked eye. One part of it, NGC 884 is shown here with LAMOST DR6 low resolution spectra (red squares) and Gaia DR3 XP spectra (blue crosses) overplotted. Given that LAMOST has already been one of the largest collections of spectra on the planet, you can see that there is really a lot of those XP spectra.

    When Gaia DR3 was released in June, I was somewhat disappointed when I realised what it is that they delivered as the BP/RP (or XP for short) spectra. You see, I had expected to see something rather similar to what I have in DFBS: structurally, arrays of a few dozen spectral points, mapping wavelengths to some sort of measure of the flux.

    What really came were, mainly, “continuous spectra“, that is coefficients of Gauss-Hermite polynomials. You can fetch them from the gaiadr3.xp_continuous_mean_spectrum table at the ARI-Gaia TAP service; the blue part of the spectrum of the star DR3 4295806720 looks like this in there:

    102.93398893929992, -12.336921213781045, -2.668856168170544, -0.12631176306793765, -0.9347021092539146, 0.05636787290132809, [...]

    No common spectral client can plot this. The Gaia DPAC has helpfully provided a Python library called GaiaXPy to turn these into “proper” spectra. Shortly after the data release, my plan has thus been to turn all these spectra into their “sampled” form using GaiaXPy and then re-publish them, both through SSAP for ad-hoc discovery and through TAP for (potentially) global analysis.

    Alas, for objects too faint to make it into DR3's xp_sampled_mean_spectrum table (that's 35 million spectra already turned to wavelength-flux pairs by DPAC), the spectra generated in this way looked fairly awful, with lots of very artificial-looking wiggles (“ringing”, if you will). After a bit of deliberation, I realised that when the errors are given on the Hermite coefficients, once you compute the samples, these errors will be liberally distributed among the output samples. In other words, the error on the samples will be grossly correlated over arbitrary distances; at least I am fairly helpless when trying to separate signal from artefact in these beasts.

    Bummer. Well, fortunately, Rene Andrae from “up the mountain” (i.e., the MPI for Astronomy) has worked out a reasonably elegant way to get more conventional spectra understandable to mere humans. Basically, you compute n distinct “realisations” of the error model given by the table of the continuous spectra and average over them. The more samples you take, the less correlated your spectral points and their errors will be and the less confusing the signal will be. The service docs for gaia/s3 give the math.

    Doing this on more than 200 million spectra is quite an effort, though, and so after some experimentation I decided to settle on 10 realisations per spectrum and have relatively wide bins (10 nm) over just the optical part of the spectrum (400 through 800 nm). The BP and RP bandpaths are a bit wider, and there is probably signal blotted out by the wide bins; I will probably be addressing this for DR4, except if these spectra become the smash hit they deserve to be.

    The result of this procedure is now available through an SSAP service that should show up in the VO Registry by the time the first of you read this; the Aladin image above gives you an impression of the density of results here – and don't forget: the spectra with the blue crosses are all reasonably well flux-calibrated.

    The data is also available on the TAP service, which opens up many interesting possibilities. Let me mention two here.

    Comparison with LAMOST

    I was rather nervous whether what I had done resulted in anything that bore even a fleeting resemblance to reality, and so about the first thing I tried was to compare my new data with what LAMOST has.

    That is a nice exercise for TAP and ADQL. Let's first match spectra from the two surveys, which luckily are on the same server, saving us some cross-server uploads. I am selecting a minimum of data, just the position and the two access URLs, and I let DaCHS' MAXREC kick in so I'm just retrieving 20000 of the millions of result records:

    SELECT a.ssa_location, a.accref, b.accref
      gdr3spec.ssameta AS a
      JOIN lamost6.ssa_lrs AS b
      ON DISTANCE(a.ssa_location, b.ssa_location)<0.001

    (this is using the DISTANCE(.,.)<radius idiom that we will be migrating towards in ADQL 2.1 instead of the dreaded 1=CONTAINS(POINT, CIRCLE) thing everyone has loathed in ADQL 2.0).

    Using the nifty activation actions, you can now tell TOPCAT to open the two spectra next to each other when you click on a row or a point in a sky plot. To reproduce,

    1. Make a sky plot. TOPCAT doesn't yet pick up the POINT in ssa_location, so you have to configure the Lon and Lat fields yourself to ssa_location[0] and ssa_location[1].
    2. Open the activation actions, either from the button bar or from the Views menu.
    3. In there, select Plot Table, make sure it says accref in Table Location and then check Plot Table in the Actions pane. When you now click on a point in the sky plot, you should see a spectrum pop up, except it is plotted with dots, which most people consider inappropriate for spectra. Use the Form tab in the plot window to style it a bit more spectrum-like (I recommend looking into Line and XYError).
    4. But how do you now add the LAMOST plot? I don't think TOPCAT's activation actions let you plot right into the plane plot you just configured. But you can add a second Plot Table action from the Actions menu in the window with the activation actions. As before, configure this new item, except this one needs to plot accref_ (which is what DaCHS has called the access reference for LAMOST to keep the names unique).
    5. As for Gaia, configure to plot to look good as a spectrum. In order to make the two spectra optically comparable, under Axes set the range to 4000 to 8000 Angstrom manually here.

    You can now click on points in your sky plot and, after a second or so, see the corresponding spectra next to each other (if you place the two plot windows that way).

    If you try this, you will (hopefully) see that major features of spectra are nicely reproduced, such as with these, I guess, molecular bands:

    Two line plots next to each other, the right one showing more features.  the left one roughly follows the major wiggles, though.

    As you probably have guessed, the extremely low-resolution Gaia XP spectrum is left, LAMOST's (somewhat higher-resolution) low-resolution spectrum is right:

    This also works with absorption in the blue, as in this example:

    Two line plots next to each other, the right one showing a lot of relatively sharp absoprtion lines, which the left one does not have.  A few major bumps are present in both, and the general shape conincides nicely, expect perhaps at the blue edge.

    In case of doubt, I have to say I'd probably trust Gaia's calibration around 400 nm better than LAMOST's. But that's mere guesswork.

    For fainter objects, you will see remnants of the systematic wiggles from the Hermite polynomials:

    Two line plots next to each other.  Both are relatively noisy, in particular on the blue edge.  The left one also seems to have a rather regular oscillation at the blue edge.

    Anyway, if you keep an eye on the errors, you can probably even work with spectra from the fainter objects:

    Two line plots next to each other.  The left one has fairly strong ringing which is not present in the right one, but it mainly stays within the error bars.  The total flux of this star is at least a factor of 10 less than for the prettier examples above.

    Mass Retrieval of Spectra

    One nice thing about the short spectra is that you can fetch many of them in one go and in very little time. For instance, to retrieve particularly red objects from the Gaia catalogue of Nearby Stars (also on the GAVO server) with spectra, say:

      source_id, ra, dec, parallax, phot_g_mean_mag,
      phot_bp_mean_mag, phot_rp_mean_mag, ruwe, adoptedrv,
      flux, flux_error
    FROM gcns.main
    JOIN gdr3spec.spectra
    USING (source_id)
    WHERE phot_rp_mean_mag<phot_bp_mean_mag-4

    [in case you wonder how I quickly got the column names enumerated here: do control-clicks into the Columns pane in TOCPAT's TAP window and then use the Cols button]. For when you do not have Gaia DR3 source_id-s in your source table, there is also gdr3spec.withpos against which you can do more conventional positional crossmatches.

    Within a few seconds, you can retrieve more than 4000 spectra in this way. You can now do whatever analysis you want on these spectra. Or, well, just plot them. The following procedure for that later task uses TOPCAT features only available in the next release, due before mid-October[1].

    First, make a colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) from this table as usual (e.g., BP-RP vs G). Then, open another plane plot and

    1. LayersAdd XYArray Control
    2. Configure the XYArray to plot from the table you just fetched, have nothing in X Values[2] and flux in Y Values.
    3. Under Axes, configure Y Log in order to better show the 4253 spectra at one time.
    4. Throw away or at least uncheck all other layers in the plot.
    5. In order to let TOPCAT highlight the spectrum of the activated source, in the Subsets pane check the Activated subset (that's the bleeding-edge functionality you will not have in older TOPCATs) and give it a sufficiently bright colour.

    With that, you can now click around in your CMD and immediately see that source's spectrum in the context of all the others, like this:

    An animation of someone selecting various points in a CMD and have simulataneous spectra plotted.

    These spectra have also inspired me to design and implement a vector extension for ADQL, which lets you do even more interesting things with these spectra. More on this… soon.

    [1]The Activated subset is only available in TOPCAT versions later than 4.8-7 (released in October 2022).
    [2]These should be the spectral points; DaCHS does not deliver them with this query because I am a coward. I think I will find my courage relatively soon and then fix this. Once that has happened, you can select param$spectral as X values. [Update: Mark Taylor remarks that by writing sequence(41, 400, 10) in bleeding-edge TOPCATs and add(multiply(10,sequence(41)),400) before that, you can add a proper spectral axis until then]
  • Find a Dust-Free Window Using ADQL

    Five sky images, all of them showing star clusters

    Five of the seven patches of the sky that Bayestar 17 considers least obscured by dust in Aladin's WISE color HiPSes. There clearly is a pattern here. This post is about how you'll find these (and the credible ones, too).

    The upcoming AG-Tagung in Bremen will have another puzzler, and while concocting the problem I needed to find a spot on the sky where there is very little interstellar extinction. What looks like a quick query turned out to require a few ADQL tricks that I thought I might show in this little post; they will come in handy in many situations.

    First, I needed to find data on where on the sky there is dust. Had I not known about the extinction maps I've blogged about in 2018, I would probably have looked for extinction maps in the Registry, which might have led me to the Bayestar 17 map on my service eventually, too. The way it was, I immediately fired up TOPCAT and pointed it to the TAP service at (the “GAVO DC TAP“ of the TAP service list) and went to the column metadata of the prdust.map_union table.

    Browsing the descriptions, the relevant columns here are healpix (which will give me the position) and best_fit. That latter thing is an array of reddening E(B − V) (i.e., higher values mean more dust) per distance bin, where the bins are 0.5 mag of distance modulus wide. I decided I'd settle for bin 20, corresponding to a kiloparsec. Dust further away than that will not trouble me much in the puzzler.

    Finding the healpixes in the rows with the smallest best_fit[20] should be easy; it is a minor variant of a classic from the ADQL course:

    SELECT TOP 20 healpix
    FROM prdust.map_union
    ORDER BY best_fit[20] ASC

    Except that my box replies with an error message reading “Expected end of text, found '[' (at char 61), (line:3, col:18)”.

    Hu? Well… if you look, then the problem is where I ask to sort by an array element. And indeed, it turns out that DaCHS, the software driving this site, will not let you sort by array elements yet. This is arguably a bug, and in all likelihood I will have fixed it by the time your read this. But there is a technique to defeat this and similar cases that every astronomer should know about: subqueries, which turn any query into something you can work with as if it were a table. In this case:

    SELECT TOP 30 healpix, extinction
    FROM (
      SELECT healpix, best_fit[20] as extinction
      FROM prdust.map_union) AS q
    ORDER BY extinction ASC

    – the “AS q“ gives the name of the “virtual” table resulting from the query a name. It is mandatory here. Do not be tempted to leave out the “AS” – that that is even legal is one of the major blunders of the SQL standard.

    The result is looking good:

    # healpix extinction
    1021402 0.00479
    1021403 0.0068
    418619  0.00707

    – so, we have the healpixes for which the extinction works out to be minimal. It is also reassuring that the two healpixes with the clearest sky (by this metric) are next to each other – where there are clear skies, it's likely that there are more clear skies nearby.

    But then… where exactly are these patches? The column description says “The healpix (in galactic l, b) for which this data applies. This is of the order given in the hpx_order column”. Hm.

    To go from HEALPix to positions, there is the ivo_healpix_center user defined function (UDF) on many ADQL services; it is part of the IVOA's UDF catalogue, so whenever you see it, it will do the same thing. And where would you see it? Well, in TOPCAT, UDFs show up in the Service tab with a signature and a short description. In this case:

    ivo_healpix_center(hpxOrder INTEGER, hpxIndex BIGINT) -> POINT
      returns a POINT corresponding to the center of the healpix with the
      given index at the given order.

    With this, we can change our query to spit out positions rather than indices:

    SELECT TOP 30 ivo_healpix_center(hpx_order, healpix) AS pos, extinction
    FROM (
      SELECT healpix, best_fit[20] as extinction, hpx_order
      FROM prdust.map_union) AS q
    ORDER BY extinction ASC

    The result is:

    # pos                                    extinction
    "(42.27822580645164, 78.65148926014334)" 0.00479
    "(42.44939271255061, 78.6973986631694)"  0.0068
    "(58.97460937500027, 40.86635677386179)" 0.00707

    That's my positions all right, but they are still in galactic coordinates. That may be fine for many applications, but I'd like to have them in ICRS. Transforming them takes another UDF; this one is not yet standardised and hence has a gavo_ prefix (which means you will only find it on reasonably new services driven by DaCHS).

    On services that have that UDF (and the GAVO DC TAP certainly is one of them), you can write:

      gavo_transform('GALACTIC', 'ICRS',
        ivo_healpix_center(hpx_order, healpix)) AS pos,
    FROM (
      SELECT healpix, best_fit[20] as extinction, hpx_order
      FROM prdust.map_union) AS q
    ORDER BY extinction ASC

    That results in:

    # pos                                    extinction
    "(205.6104289782676, 28.392541949473785)" 0.00479
    "(205.55600830161907, 28.42330388161418)" 0.0068
    "(250.47595812552925, 36.43011215633786)" 0.00707
    "(166.10872483007287, 21.232866316024364)" 0.00714
    "(259.3314211312357, 43.09275090468469)" 0.00742
    "(114.66957763676628, 21.603135736808532)" 0.00787
    "(229.69174233173712, 2.0244022486718793)" 0.00793
    "(214.85349325052758, 33.6802370378023)" 0.00804
    "(204.8352084989552, 36.95716352922782)" 0.00806
    "(215.95667870050661, 36.559656879148044)" 0.00839
    "(229.66068062277128, 2.142516479012763)" 0.0084
    "(219.72263539838667, 58.371829835018424)" 0.00844

    If you have followed along, you now have a table of the 30 least reddened patches in the sky according Bayestar17. And you are probably as curious to see them as I was. That curiosity made me start Aladin and select WISE colour imagery, reckoning dust (at the right temperature) would be more conspicuous in WISE's wavelengths then in, say, DSS.

    I then did Views -> Activation Actions and wanted to check “Send Sky Coordinates“ to make Aladin show the sky at the position of my patches. This is usually preconfigured by TOPCAT to just work when tables have positions. Alas: at least in versions up to 4.8, TOPCAT does not know about points (in the ADQL sense) when making clever guesses there.

    But there is a workaround: Select “Send Sky Coordinates” in the Activation Actions window and then type pos[0] in “RA Column“, and pos[1] in “Dec Column” – this works because under the hood, VOTable points are just 2-arrays. That done, you can check the activation action.

    After these preparations, when you click through the first few results, you will find objects like those in the opending image (and also a few fairly empty fields). Stellar clusters are relatively rare on the sky, so their prevalence in these patches quite clearly shows that Bayestar's model has a bit of a fixation about them that's certainly not related to dust.

    Which goes to serve as another example of Demleitner's law 567: “In any table, the instances with the most extreme values are broken with a likelihood of 0.567”.

  • Spectral Units in ADQL

    math formulae.

    In case you find the piece of Python given below too hard to read: It's just this table of conversion expressions between the different SI units we are dealing with here.

    Astronomers these days work all along the electromagnetic spectrum (and beyond, of course). Depending on where they observe, they will have very different instrumentation, and hence some see their messengers very naturally as waves, others quite as naturally as particles, others just as electrons flowing out of a CCD that is sitting behind a filter.

    In consequence, when people say where in the spectrum they are, they use very different notions. A radio astronomer will say “I'm observing at 21 cm” or “at 50 GHz“. There's an entire field named after a wavelength, “submillimeter“, and blueward of that people give their bands in micrometers. Optical astronomers can't be cured of their Ångström habit. Going still more high-energy, after an island of nanometers in the UV you end up in the realm of keV in X-ray, and then MeV, GeV, TeV and even EeV.

    However, there is just one VO (or at least that's where we want to go). Historically, the VO has had a slant towards optical astronomy, which gives us the legacy of having wavelengths in far too many places, including Obscore. Retrospectively, this was an unfortunate choice not only because it makes us look optical bigots, but in particular because in contrast to energy and, by ν = E/h, frequency, messenger wavelength depends on the medium you work in, and I shudder to think how many wavelengths in my data center actually are air wavelengths rather than vacuum wavelengths. Also, as you go beyond photons, energy really is the only thing that reasonably characterises all messengers alike (well, even that still isn't quite settled for gravitational waves as long as we're not done with a quantum theory of gravitation).

    Well – the wavelength milk is spilled. Still, the VO has been boldly expanding its reach beyond the optical and infrared windows (recently, with neutrinos and gravitational waves, not to mention EPN-TAP's in-situ measurements in the solar system, even beyond the electromagnetic spectrum). Which means we will have to accomodate the various customs regarding spectral units described above. Where there are “thick” user interfaces, these can care about that. For instance, my datalink XSLT and javascript lets people constrain spectral cutouts (along BAND) in a variety of units (Example).

    But what if the UI is as shallow as it is in ADQL, where you deal with whatever is in the underlying database tables? This has come up again at last week's EuroVO Technology Forum in virtual Strasbourg in the context of making Obscore more attractive to radio astronomers. And thus I've sat down and taught DaCHS a new user defined function to address just that.

    Up front: When you read this in 2022 or beyond and everything has panned out, the function might be called ivo_specconv already, and perhaps the arguments have changed slightly. I hope I'll remember to update this post accordingly. If not, please poke me to do so.

    The function I'm proposing is, mainly, gavo_specconv(expr, target_unit). All it does is convert the SQL expression expr to the (spectral) target_unit if it knows how to do that (i.e., if the expression's unit and the target unit are spectral units properly written in VOUnit) and raise an error otherwise.

    So, you can now post:

    SELECT TOP 5 gavo_specconv(em_min, 'GHz') AS nu
    FROM ivoa.obscore
    WHERE gavo_specconv((em_min+em_max)/2, 'GHz')
        BETWEEN 1 AND 2
      AND obs_collection='VLBA LH sources'

    to the TAP service at You will get your result in GHz, and you write your constraint in GHz, too. Oh, and see below on the ugly constraint on obs_collection.

    Similarly, an X-ray astronomer would say, perhaps:

    SELECT TOP 5 access_url, gavo_specconv(em_min, 'keV') AS energy
    FROM ivoa.obscore
    WHERE gavo_specconv((em_min+em_max)/2, 'keV')
      BETWEEN 0.5 AND 2
      AND obs_collection='RASS'

    This works because the ADQL translator can figure out the unit of its first argument. But, perhaps regrettably, ADQL has no notion of literals with units, and so there is no way to meaningfully say the equivalent of gavo_specconv(656, 'Hz') to get Hα in Hz, and you will receive a (hopefully helpful) error message if you try that.

    However, this functionality is highly desirable not the least because the queries above are fairly inefficient. That's why I added the funny constraints on the collection: without them, the queries will take perhaps half a minute and thus require async operation on my box.

    The (fundamental) reason for that is that postgres is not smart enough to work out it could be using an index on em_min and em_max if it sees something like nu between 3e8/em_min and 3e7/em_max by re-writing the constraint into 3e8/nu between em_min and em_max (and think really hard about whether this is equivalent in the presence of NULLs). To be sure, I will not teach that to my translation layer either. Not using indexes, however, is a recipe for slow queries when the obscore table you query has about 85 million rows (hi there in 2050: yes, that was a sizable table in our day).

    To let users fix what's too hard for postgres (or, for that matter, the translation engine when it cannot figure out units), there is a second form of gavo_specconv that takes a third argument: gavo_specconv(expr, unit_of_expr, target_unit). With that, you can write queries like:

    SELECT TOP 5 gavo_specconv(em_min, 'Angstrom') AS nu
    FROM ivoa.obscore
    WHERE gavo_specconv(5000, 'Angstrom', 'm')
      BETWEEN em_min AND em_max

    and hope the planner will use indexes. Full disclosure: Right now, I don't have indexes on the spectral limits of all tables contributing to my obscore table, so this particular query only looks fast because it's easy to find five datasets covering 500 nm – but that's an oversight I'll fix soon.

    Of course, to make this functionality useful in practice, it needs to be available on all obscore services (say) – only then can people run all-VO obscore searches without the optical bias. The next step (before Bambi-eyeing the TAP implementors) therefore would be to get it into the catalogue of ADQL user defined functions.

    For this, one would need to specify a bit more carefully what units must minimally be supported. In DaCHS, I have built this on a full implementation of VOUnits, which means you can query using attoparsecs of wavelength and get your result in dekaerg (which is a microjoule: 1 daerg = 1 uJ in VOUnits – don't you just love this?):

    SELECT gavo_specconv(
      (spectral_start+spectral_end)/2, 'daerg')
      AS energy
    FROM rr.stc_spectral
    WHERE gavo_specconv(0.0002, 'apc', 'J')
      BETWEEN spectral_start AND spectral_end

    (stop computing: an attoparsec is about 3 cm). This, incidentally, queries the draft RegTAP extension for the VODataService 1.2 coverage in space, time, and spectrum, which is another reason I'm proposing this function: I'm not quite sure how well my rationale that using Joules of energy is equally inconvenient for all communities will be generally received. The real rationale – that Joule is the SI unit for energy – I don't dare bring forward in the first place.

    Playing with wavelengths in AU (you can do that, too; note, though, that VOUnit forbids prefixes on AU, so don't even try mAU) is perhaps entertaining in a slightly twisted way, but admittedly poses a bit of a challenge in implementation when one does not have full VOUnits available. I'm currently thinking that m, nm, Angstrom, MHz, GHz, keV and MeV (ach! No Joule! But no erg, either!) plus whatever spectral units are in use in the local tables would about cover our use cases. But I'd be curious what other people think.

    Since I found the implementation of this a bit more challenging than I had at first expected, let me say a few words on how the underlying code works; I guess you can stop reading here unless you are planning to implement something like this.

    The fundamental trouble is that spectral conversions are non-linear. That means that what I do for ADQL's IN_UNIT – just compute a conversion factor and then multiply that to whatever expression is in its first argument – will not work. Instead, one has to write a new expression. And building these expressions becomes involved because there are thousands of possible combinations of input and output units.

    What I ended up doing is adopting standard (i.e., SI) units for energy (J), wavelength (m), and frequency (Hz) as common bases, and then first convert the source and target units to the applicable standard unit. This entails trying to convert each input unit to each standard unit until a conversion actually works, which in DaCHS' Python looks like this:

    def toStdUnit(fromUnit):
        for stdUnit in ["J", "Hz", "m"]:
                 factor = base.computeConversionFactor(
                     fromUnit, stdUnit)
            except base.IncompatibleUnits:
            return stdUnit, factor
        raise common.UfuncError(
            f"specconv: {fromUnit} is not a spectral unit understood here")

    The VOUnits code is hidden away in base.computeConversionFactor, which raises an IncompatibleUnits when a conversion is impossible; hence, in the end, as a by-product this function also determines what kind of spectral value (energy, frequency, or wavelength) I am dealing with.

    That accomplished, all I need to do is look up the conversions between the basic units, which can be done in a single dictionary mapping pairs of standard units to the conversion expression templates. I have not tried to make these templates particularly pretty, but if you squint, you can still, I hope, figure out this is actually what the opening image shows:

        ("J", "m"): "h*c/(({expr})*{f})",
        ("J", "Hz"): "({expr})*{f}/h",
        ("J", "J"): "({expr})*{f}",
        ("Hz", "m"): "c/({expr})/{f}",
        ("Hz", "Hz"): "{f}*({expr})",
        ("Hz", "J"): "h*{f}*({expr})",
        ("m", "m"): "{f}*({expr})",
        ("m", "Hz"): "c/({expr})/{f}",
        ("m", "J"): "h*c/({expr})/{f}",}

    expr is (conceptually) replaced by the first argument of the UDF, and f is the conversion factor between the input unit and the unit expr is in. Note that thankfully, no additive operators are involved and thus all this is numerically well-conditioned. Hence, I can afford not attempting to simplify any of the expressions involved.

    The rest is essentially book-keeping, where I'm using the ADQL parser to turn the expression into a tree fragment and then fiddling in the tree fragment for expr into that. The result then replaces the UDF function call in the syntax tree. You can review all this in context in DaCHS', starting at the definition of toStdUnit.

    Sure: this is no Turing award material. But perhaps these notes are useful when people want to put this kind of thing into their ADQL engines. Which I'd consider a Really Good Thing™.

  • Tangible Astronomy and Movies with TOPCAT

    This March, I've put up two new VO resources (that's jargon for “table or service or whatever”) that, I think, fit quite well what I like to call tangible astronomy: things you can readily relate to what you see when you step out at night. And, since I'm a professing astronomy nerd, that's always nicely gratifying.

    The two resources are the Constellations as Polygons and the Gaia eDR3 catalogue of nearby stars (GCNS).


    On the constellations, you might rightfully say that's really far from science. But then they do help getting an idea where something is, and when and from where you might see something. I've hence wanted for a long time to re-publish the Davenhall Constellation Boundary Data as proper, ADQL-queriable polygons, and figuring out where the loneliest star in the sky (and Voyager 1) were finally made me do it.

    GCNS density around taurus

    Taurus in the GCNS density plot: with constellations!

    So, since early March there's the cstl.geo table on the TAP service at with the constallation polygons in its p column. Which, for starters, means it's trivial to overplot constallation boundaries in your favourite VO clients now, as in the plot above. To make it, I've just done a boring SELECT * FROM cstl.geo, did the background (a plain HEALPix density plot of GCNS) and, clicked Layers → Add Area Control and selected the cstl.geo table.

    If you want to identify constellations by clicking, while in the area control, choose “add central” from the Forms menu in the Form tab; that's what I did in the figure above to ensure that what we're looking at here is the Hyades and hence Taurus. Admittedly: these “centres“ are – as in the catalogue – just the means of the vertices rather than the centres of mass of the polygon (which are hard to compute). Oh, and: there is also the AreaLabel in the Forms menu, for when you need the identification more than the table highlighting (be sure to use a center anchor here).

    Note that TOPCAT's polygon plot at this point is not really geared towards large polygons (which the constellations are) right now. At the time of writing, the documentation has: “Areas specified in this way are generally intended for displaying relatively small shapes such as instrument footprints. Larger areas may also be specified, but there may be issues with use.” That you'll see at the edges of the sky plots – but keeping that in mind I'd say this is a fun and potentially very useful feature.

    What's a bit worse: You cannot turn the constellation polygons into MOCs yet, because the MOC library currently running within our database will not touch non-convex polygons. We're working on getting that fixed.

    Nearby Stars

    Similarly tangible in my book is the GCNS: nearby stars I always find romantic.

    Let's look at the 100 nearest stars, and let's add spectral types from Henry Draper (cf. my post on Annie Cannon's catalogue) as well as the constellation name:

    WITH nearest AS (
    SELECT TOP 100
      a.ra, a.dec,
    FROM gcns.main AS a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN hdgaia.main AS b
      ON (b.source_id_dr3=a.source_id)
    ORDER BY dist_50 ASC)
    SELECT nearest.*, name
    FROM nearest
    JOIN cstl.geo AS g
      ON (1=CONTAINS(
        POINT(nearest.ra, nearest.dec),

    Note how I'm using CONTAINS with the polygon in the constellations table here; that's the usage I've had in mind for this table (and it's particularly handy with table uploads).

    That I have a Common Table Expression (“WITH”) here is due to SQL planner confusion (I'll post something about that real soon now): With the WITH, the machine first selects the nearest 100 rows and then does the (relatively costly) spatial match, without it, the machine (somewhat surprisingly) did the geometric match first. This particular confusion looks fixable, but for now I'd ask you for forgiveness for the hack – and the technique is often useful anyway.

    If you inspect the result, you will notice that Proxima Cen is right there, but α Cen is missing; without having properly investigated matters, I'd say it's just too bright for the current Gaia data reduction (and quite possibly even for future Gaia analysis).

    Most of the objects on that list that have made it into the HD (i.e., have a spectral type here) are K dwarfs – which is an interesting conspiracy between the limits of the HD (the late red and old white dwarfs are too weak for it) and the limits of Gaia (the few earlier stars within 6 parsec – which includes such luminaries as Sirius at a bit more than 2.5 pc – are just too bright for where Gaia data reduction is now).


    Another fairly tangible thing in the GCNS is the space velcity, given in km/s in the three dimensions U, V, and W. That is, of course, an invitation to look for stellar streams, as, within the relatively small portion of the Milky Way the GCNS looks at, stars on similar orbits will exhibit similar space motions.

    Considering the velocity dispersion within a stellar stream will be a few km/s, let's have the database bin the data. Even though this data is small enough to conveniently handle locally, this kind of remote analysis is half of what TAP is really great at (the other half being the ability to just jump right into a new dataset). You can group by multiple things at the same time:

      COUNT(*) AS n,
      ROUND(uvel_50/5)*5 AS ubin,
      ROUND(vvel_50/5)*5 AS vbin,
      ROUND(wvel_50/5)*5 AS wbin
    FROM gcns.main
    GROUP BY ubin, vbin, wbin

    Note that this (truly) 3D histogram only represents a small minority of the GCNS objects – you need radial velocities for space motion, and these are precious even in the Gaia age.

    What really surprised me is how clumpy this distribution is – are we sure we already know all stellar streams in the solar neighbourhood? Watch for yourself (if your browser can't play webm, complain to your vendor):

    [Update (2021-04-01): Mark Taylor points out that the “flashes” you sometimes see when the grid is aligned with the viewing axes (and the general appearance) could be improved by just pulling all non-NULL UVW values out of the table and using a density plot (perhaps shading=density densemap=inferno densefunc=linear). That is quite certainly true, but it would of course defeat the purpose of having on-server aggregation. Which, again, isn't all that critical for this dataset, so doing the prettier plot actually is a valuable exercise for the reader]

    How did I make this video? Well, I started with a Cube Plot in TOPCAT as usual, configuring weighted plotting with n as its weight and played around a bit with scaling out a few outliers. And then I saved the table (to zw.vot), hit “STILTS“ in the plot window and saved the text from there to a text file, I had to change the ``in`` clause in the script to make it look like this:

    stilts plot2cube \
     xpix=887 ypix=431 \
     xlabel='ubin / km/s' ylabel='vbin / km/s' \
     zlabel='wbin / km/s' \
     xmin=-184.5 xmax=49.5 ymin=-77.6 ymax=57.6 \
     zmin=-119.1 zmax=94.1 phi=-84.27 theta=90.35 \
      psi=-62.21 \
     auxmin=1 auxmax=53.6 \
     auxvisible=true auxlabel=n \
     legend=true \
     layer=Mark \
        in=zw.vot \
        x=ubin y=vbin z=wbin weight=n \
        shading=weighted size=2 color=blue

    – and presto, sh would produce the plot I just had in TOPCAT. This makes a difference because now I can animate this.

    In his documentation, Mark already has a few hints on how to build animations; here are a few more ideas on how to organise this. For instance, if, as I want here, you want to animate more than one variable, stilts tloop may become a bit unwieldy. Here's how to give the camera angles in python:

    import sys
    from astropy import table
    import numpy
    angles = numpy.array(
      [float(a) for a in range(0, 360)])
      names=("psi", "theta")).write(
        sys.stdout, format="votable")

    – the only thing to watch out for is that the names match the names of the arguments in stilts that you want to animate (and yes, the creation of angles will make numpy afficionados shudder – but I wasn't sure if I might want to have somewhat more complex logic there).

    [Update (2021-04-01): Mark Taylor points out that all that Python could simply be replaced with a straightforward piece of stilts using the new loop table scheme in stilts, where you would simply put:

    acmd='addcol phi $1'
    acmd='addcol theta 40+30*cosDeg($1+57)'

    into the plot2cube command line – and you wouldn't even need the shell pipeline.]

    What's left to do is basically the shell script that TOPCAT wrote for me above. In the script below I'm using a little convenience hack to let me quickly switch between screen output and file output: I'm defining a shell variable OUTPUT, and when I un-comment the second OUTPUT, stilts renders to the screen. The other changes versus what TOPCAT gave me are de-dented (and I've deleted the theta and psi parameters from the command line, as I'm now filling them from the little python script):

    OUTPUT="omode=out out=pre-movie.png"
    python3 |\
    stilts plot2cube \
       xpix=500 ypix=500 \
       xlabel='ubin / km/s' ylabel='vbin / km/s' \
       zlabel='wbin / km/s' \
       xmin=-184.5 xmax=49.5 ymin=-77.6 ymax=57.6 \
       zmin=-119.1 zmax=94.1 \
       auxmin=1 auxmax=53.6 \
    phi=8 \
    animate=- \
    afmt=votable \
    $OUTPUT \
       layer=Mark \
          in=zw.vot \
          x=ubin y=vbin z=wbin weight=n \
          shading=weighted size=4 color=blue
    # render to movie with something like
    # ffmpeg -i "pre-movie-%03d.png" -framerate 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p /stream-movie.webm
    # (the yuv420p incantation is so real-world
    # web browsers properly will not go psychedelic
    # with the colours)

    The comment at the end says how to make a proper movie out of the PNGs this produces, using ffmpeg (packaged with every self-respecting distribution these days) and yielding a webm. Yes, going for mpeg x264 might be a lot faster for you as it's a lot more likely to have hardware support, but everything around mpeg is so patent-infested that for the sake of your first-born's soul you probably should steer clear of it.

    Movies are fun in webm, too.

  • The Loneliest Star in the Sky

    sky images and a distribution plot

    The loneliest star in the sky on the left, and on the right a somewhat more lonelier one (it's explained in the text). The inset shows the distribution of the 500 loneliest stars on the whole sky in Galactic coordinates.

    In early December, the object catalogue of Gaia's data release 3 was published (“eDR3“), and I've been busy in various ways on this data off and on since then – see, for instance, the The Case of the disappearing bits on this blog.

    One of the things I have missed when advising people on projects with previous Gaia data releases is a table that, for every object, gives the nearest neighbour. And so for this release I've created it and christened it, perhaps just a bit over-grandiosely, “Gaia eDR3 Autocorrelation”. Technically, it is just a long (1811709771 rows, to be precise) list of pairs of Gaia eDR3 source ids, the ids of their nearest neighbour, and a spherical distance between.

    This kind of data is useful for many applications, mostly when looking for objects that are close together or (more often) things that fail for such close pairs for a wide variety of reasons. I have taken some pains to not only have close neighbours, though, because sometimes you may want specifically objects far away from others.

    As in the case of this article's featured image: The loneliest star in the sky (as seen by Gaia, that is) is eDR3 6049144983226879232, which is 4.3 arcminutes from its neighbour, 6049144021153793024, which in turn is the second-loneliest star in the sky. They are, perhaps a bit surprisingly, in Ophiuchus (and thus fairly close to the Milky Way plane), and (probably) only about 150 parsec from Earth. Doesn't sound too lonely, hm? Turns out: these stars are lonely because dust clouds blot out all their neighbours.

    Rank three is in another dust cloud, this time in Taurus, and so it continues in low Galactic latitude to rank 8 (4402975278134691456) at Galactic latitude 36.79 degrees; visualising the thing, it turns out it's again in a dark cloud. What about rank 23 at 83.92 Galactic (3954600105683842048)? That's probably bona-fide, or at least it doesn't look very dusty in the either DSS or PanSTARRS. Coryn (see below) estimates it's about 1100 parsec away. More than 1 kpc above the galactic disk: that's more what I had expected for lonely stars.

    Looking at the whole distribution of the 500 loneliest stars (inset above), things return a bit more to what I had expected: Most of them are around the galactic poles, where the stellar density is low.

    So: How did I find these objects? Here's the ADQL query I've used:

    SELECT TOP 500
      ra, dec, source_id, phot_g_mean_mag, ruwe,
      partner_id, dist,
      COORD2(gavo_transform('ICRS', 'GALACTIC',
        point(ra, dec))) AS glat
      NATURAL JOIN gedr3auto.main
    ORDER BY dist DESC

    – run this on the TAP server at (don't be shy, it's a cheap query).

    Most of this should be familiar to you if you've worked through the first pages of ADQL course. There's two ADQL things I'd like to advertise while I have your attention:

    1. NATURAL JOIN is like a JOIN USING, except that the database auto-selects what column(s) to join on by matching the columns that have the same name. This is a convenient way to join tables designed to be joined (as they are here). And it probably won't work at all if the tables haven't been designed for that.
    2. The messy stuff with GALACTIC in it. Coordinate transformations had a bad start in ADQL; the original designers hoped they could hide much of this; and it's rarely a good idea in science tools to hide complexity essentially everyone has to deal with. To get back on track in this field, DaCHS servers since about version 1.4 have been offering a user defined function gavo_transfrom that can transform (within reason) between a number of popular reference frames. You will find more on it in the server's capabilities (in TOPCAT: the “service” tab). What is happening in the query is: I'm making a Point out of the RA and Dec given in the catalogue, tell the transform function it's in ICRS and ask it to make Galactic coordinates from it, and then take the second element of the result: the latitude.

    And what about the gedr3dist.litewithdist table? That doesn't look a lot like the gaiaedr3.gaiasource we're supposed to query for eDR3?

    Well, as for DR2, I'm again only carrying a “lite” version of the Gaia catalogue in GAVO's Heidelberg data center, stripped down to the columns you absolutely cannot live without even for the most gung-ho science; it's called gaia.edr3lite.

    But then my impression is that almost everyone wants distances and then hacks something to make Gaia's parallax work for them. That's a bad idea as the SNR goes down to levels very common in the Gaia result catalogue (see 2020arXiv201205220B if you don't take my word for it). Hence, I'm offering a pre-joined view (a virtual table, if you will) with the carefully estimated distances from Coryn Bailer-Jones, and that's this gedr3dist.litewithdist. Whenever you're doing something with eDR3 and distances, this is where I'd point you first.

    Oh, and I should be mentioning that, of course, I figured out what is in dust clouds and what is not with TOPCAT and Aladin as in our tutorial TOPCAT and Aladin working together (which needs a bit of an update, but you'll figure it out).

    There's a lot more fun to be had with this (depending on what you find fun in). What about finding the 10 arcsec-pairs with the least different luminosities (which might actually be useful for testing some optics)? Try this:

    SELECT TOP 300
      a.source_id, partner_id, dist,
      a.phot_g_mean_mag AS source_mag,
      b.phot_g_mean_mag AS partner_mag,
      abs(a.phot_g_mean_mag-b.phot_g_mean_mag) AS magdiff
    FROM gedr3auto.main
      NATURAL JOIN gaia.edr3lite AS a
      JOIN gaia.edr3lite AS b
        ON (partner_id=b.source_id)
      dist BETWEEN 9.999/3600 AND 10.001/3600
      AND a.phot_g_mean_mag IS NOT NULL
      AND b.phot_g_mean_mag IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY magdiff ASC

    – this one takes a bit longer, as there's many 10 arcsec-pairs in eDR3; the query above looks at 84690 of them. Of course, this only returns really faint pairs, and given the errors stars that weak have they're probably not all that equal-luminosity as that. But fixing all that is left as an exercise to the reader. Given there's the RP and BP magnitude columns, what about looking for the most colourful pair with a given separation?

    Acknowledgement: I couldn't have coolly mumbled about Ophiuchus or Taurus without the SCS service ivo://cds.vizier/vi/42 (”Identification of a Constellation From Position, Roman 1982”).

    Update [2021-02-05]: I discovered an extra twist to this story: Voyager 1 is currently flying towards Ophiuchus (or so Wikipedia claims). With an industrial size package of artistic licence you could say: It's coming to keep the loneliest star company. But of course: by the time Voyager will be 150 pc from earth, eDR3 6049144983226879232 will quite certainly have left Ophiuchus (and Voyager will be in a completely different part of our sky, that wouldn't look familar to us at all) – so, I'm afraid apart from a nice conincidence in this very moment (galactically speaking), this whole thing won't be Hollywood material.

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